Verify your identity

Enter the number below that you would like to login with and access all your accounts

please enter below details to complete your online profile registration Enter below details to verify you

A verification code has been sent to {{authinticationValue}}


Single Sign On : You can use the above number as your primary account to sign in to e& UAE website and mobile app.

the entered email is not your registered email
the entered mobile Number is not your registered Mobile Number

Registration Successful

Congratulations! You are now successfully registered to My Etisalat Self-Care Portal. Please check your mobile {{accountNumber.length > 9 ? maskMobileNumber(accountNumber) : ""}} for the login details.

Congratulations! You are now successfully registered to My Etisalat Self-Care Portal. Please check your eBill email for the login details.

Note: if you have not received the email, please call 101 for further assistance.