Digital Premium Internet

A dedicated managed offering with converged connectivity, security, and speed.

Transformation that goes beyond connectivity

Digital Premium Internet powers businesses with high-speed, dedicated internet that enables businesses to accelerate their digital transformation journeys and adopt more resilient business models. 

Designed with the key pillars of connectivity, security, and reliability at the forefront, Digital Premium Internet delivers your business with an added flexibility to choose security and networking functions. Driven by a fully virtualised digital platform, businesses can benefit from several value-added services, end-to-end management and more to truly achieve newer possibilities!

Result: enhanced visibility, better application performance, and business continuity.

Embrace richer features & extended capabilities with

Guaranteed Symmetric Connectivity

E2E 360° Digital Managed Services

SLA & Rebates

Dashboards & Reports

New Digital Platform & Secure Connectivity

Digital Add-ons

A fully managed symmetric Internet offering with higher bandwidth and richer capabilities

Digital Enterprise-Ready Platform

  • A future-proof platform to host agile networking & advanced security services.
  • Eliminate the need to deploy multiple hardware for different networking & security services.
  • Proactively monitored & managed so you can focus on your core business tasks operations.

DDoS & Firewall Protection

  • Protect your organisation from the denial-of-service attacks
  • Safeguard your network against intrusion by hackers
  • Define policies based on user profile
  • Create a secure sandbox environment to isolate suspicious elements
  • Secure your devices in the organisation with end-point security

Reliability & Visibility

  • Ensure business continuity
  • Wireless (4G / 5G) redundancy to fall back in the event of failure of GPON
  • Proactively monitored to achieve quick response and resolution
  • Single-view dashboard of all services
  • Analyse performance through detailed reports