Business Advice & Ideas

Stronger together in the new normal


25 May 2021

Employee engagement is among major key elements in gauging just how passionate members of the staff are with their tasks and whether they have the team work attitude or whether it’s all perfunctory for them – get in at 9am; get out at 5pm.
Keeping employees interested and enthusiastic about their job also translates to increased productivity.
Experts suggest the following helpful points:
  • Develop trust; promote honesty. It’s all about “real talk,” experts say. A workplace culture built on trust goes a long way in nurturing a somewhat personalized employee-employer relationship. So get real and don’t fake it because being genuine produces qualities that make for successful teamwork. The bright side here, moreover, is that employees would be wont to not hide anything and be open about everything regarding their job; this can also lead to them making honest suggestions to further improve productivity. And speaking of honesty, small operational issues can easily be identified and rectified before it blows out of proportion when the employees fear not about telling the truth because they know that doing so comes with no major consequences.
  • Promote flexibility. Human resource experts say loosening up a bit doesn’t hurt. On the contrary, it helps minimize work-related stress and tend to make employees more productive because they are given leeway on their work schedule. Of course, employers, especially those engaged in micro-managing, believe that productivity comes under their watchful eyes; but, again HR specialists say, the psychology of work suggests that employees tend to be more creative and down-to-earth when no one’s watching.

Implement break times. Some employers allow their staff to go on coffee break – which is not a bad thing. Sometimes, one just needs to get his mind off what he’s doing to get out of the box and be more efficient. Monotony is tiring, tedious, cumbersome… boring. What breaks do is free the mind from a stressful situation so that it could recoup and tackle the challenge head on and in a more productive manner. More to the point, employees would love you more and their employer for giving them breaks.

  • Feedback matters a lot. Asking employees for their opinion about the task at hand makes them feel accepted and valued – that’s the golden rule of human resource management, expert says. Used to be such that employers give feedbacks to their employees about their work, attitude and productivity. Asking them, this time, about their take on a certain proposal or concept, for instance, gives them the impression that their two cents matter.
  • Socialize.  Conducting regular social gatherings opens doors to a fruitful relationship because in so doing, employees are able to communicate with each other and their employers outside of the daily work routine. For once, they could talk about sports for instance, or politics or movies. What this does is promote a more personal relationship. Besides, enjoying light moments encourages collaboration.
  • Set goals.  Sometimes, in the confusion that ensues at the workplace, an employee could tend to be lost or mixed up; others can get mentally and physically spent or drained. A lot of factors contribute to this: a feeling of inadequacy or just simply being let go on their own without the necessary guidance about, and support for, the task. In this regard, an employer’s role becomes even more vital by being there to assist employees align themselves with their task; by giving pep talks; and by sending in expert to conduct workshops; by setting goals and outlining how it can be achieved.
  • Be a mentor.  In relation to setting goals, being a mentor to them also increases employee engagement. Some managers take things for granted, saying they too are busy with their job. But little do they know that coming to the rescue of employees beset with issues, no matter how busy you are, goes a long way. So yes, always don’t hesitate to go the extra mile.
  • Show gratitude all the time. Bear in mind that saying “thank you” goes a long way. What’s even worthwhile is it’s free. Expressing gratitude to your employees boosts engagement because it shows that they are appreciated for their effort and hard work to make the company make more profits. Experts say showing appreciation makes employees happier, boosts their self-esteem and increases productivity. So yes, you’d probably have a poster announcing the “Employee of the Month,” the title holder of who is entitled to a longer break.
So there you have it. The ways to boost employee engagement which, in a nutshell, seems to all boil down to one thing, if it has not occurred to you yet: treating everyone as family.