Energy Saving devices

Get Smart Lights, Smart Thermostats, Smart Sockets, Smart Sensors & more.

Energy Savings

Get visible differences in your energy consumptions, set-up your smart energy devices right away!


Benefits of Smart Home from e&

Hassle-Free Installation

Effortless setup process for a seamless smart home integration.

Trusted Brands

Reliable & top-notch smart home benefits from reputable, well-established brands

Easy Installment plans

Get easy instalment plans & user-friendly payments with e&’s SmartPay

After Sales Support

Get seamless support for all your after sales needs & more


Unlock savings and convenience with Smart Energy Saving devices

Effortlessly manage your power and tailor your home’s energy use to fit your lifestyle

Smart Lights

Save more energy, control your lighting remotely, creating the perfect ambiance. Get e& exclusive benefits including easy instalment plans, FREE installation*, and after-sale support.

* If purchased on top of eLife account.

Smart Sensors

Enhance your home security and efficiency with our innovative Smart Sensors. Enjoy e& exclusive offers such as FREE installation*, and after-sale support.

* If purchased on top of eLife account.

Smart Thermostat

Upgrade to our Smart Thermostats, control your HVAC system remotely and enjoy consistent indoor temperatures. Enjoy e& exclusive offers such as FREE installation*, and after-sale support.

* If purchased on top of eLife account.

Get 1Gbps at AED 399!

Subscribe to Neo and enjoy 1Gbps internet speed, unlimited data, over 200 TV channels, and premium subscriptions to Amazon Prime and TV by e&.