Yes, an email notification will be sent to the subscriber's EIM email address when his/her usage reaches 80%, 90% and 100% of your monthly limit of 15 hours. Therefore, we highly recommend that you regularly check your EIM email.
Ensure that you disconnect from the internet after you have finished using and, to guarantee that you stay disconnected, please switch off your PC whenever possible.
Ideally you should use a DSL modem that's connected by USB connection to your PC and switches off when your PC is shut down. If you are not using a USB modem, please ensure that you switch off the DSL Router or Gateway when not in use or you will be charged as your connection will stay live otherwise.
Avoid saving your internet access password on your PC to avoid auto-connecting and incurring access usage.
Configure your Internet browser to dial-out only when a network connection is required and set the idle time out on your browser so that the connection disconnects when not in use. Please note that the idle time out will not work if you have any application like Messengers, P2P software or antivirus software which constantly access the Internet.
This application is absolutely free and can be downloaded online.
Please check the following and if you still continue to get these emails, please call 101.
Delete all messages to the Trash folder
Set your email client settings to permanently remove messages in the Trash folder.
Enjoy faster internet speeds, affordable calling options and premium content when you upgrade your eLife subscription.